Sensory Reduction Soothing Chronic Pain, Anxiety, PTS and more…
The thought of sitting in a pod surrounded by 10 inches of water and 800+ pounds of Epson Salts simultaneously intrigues and initiates my claustrophobia - I had never heard of Float Pods, nor their intrinsic health benefits for a host of maladies. My guest, Sam Black, suffered a serious car accident that left her with multiple injuries and a challenge for pain management. After exploring a multitude of modalities for pain management, she settled upon the Float Pods and found the experience “life changing;” not only for herself, but for many others who come to her practice, Grounded Roots Wellness Center on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls in Ontario.
“Language…has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word, ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone.”
- Paul Johannes Tillich, author, “The Eternal Now’
Solitude or loneliness? It depends upon how you decide to look at it - as anything in life. Torutre or bliss? Looks like the majority describe “floating” as “bliss.” After my conversation with Sam, I looked online for others who had experienced Float Pods. Initially hearing “sensory deprivation,” my mind conjures up images of solitary confinement, punishment - could I really shut down my eternally busy mind for an hour in a life-sized Hungry Hippo? Sam explains how the pods are an experience in sensory reduction and that you are totally in the driver’s seat.
Jerry Barnacles, a popular YouTuber, vlogged about his experience “floating,” which had me googling “float pods” in my own neighborhood. Yes, there is one. Yes, I’m booking an appointment.
I would love to hear what you think of the show, questions I may not have asked or contributions to the conversation. Please join us on our Facebook page and let’s continue the conversation.